Wednesday 24 October 2012

Crying Altogether

Crying... Yup.. Cry is what we did together today. Me and my classmates. Mr. Taufik gave a talk to motivate us. It turns out that my friends burst into cry. I didn't. I can't cry at the moment thou Mr.Taufik mention about mom, dad, family, teachers and friends.. Its not that I have no feeling at all or what, I just can't feel sad (but I did feel regret inside) at the moment.. but, when he told us to say sorry to one another, I can't help myself from crying. I can feel that all of us are going to separate soon.. Each of us will go on our own way.. We might not see each other anymore.. Maybe we will, but it will take a long time before we meet again. I can feel the sad atmosphere when I almost finished my studies. I will miss my friends.. My REALIS.. A lot. I love them..

I cry rite now.. Damn so hard. I just hate to cry in front of people cuz I can't say any words when I'm crying. I wonder what will happen in the future. I'm gonna miss all my classmates. They are one of the closest people next to my heart. I'l pray the best for them. I'll pray for them.. Hopefully they will pass their exam with flying colors together with me.. Amen..

Dear God, please take care of these friends when we are apart. They are the kindest, sweetest and loving friends I ever met. I love them with all my heart. I wouldn't trade anything for this friendship with them.. They're the best classmates ever.. =)

 I hope everything will run as smoothly as the clock for our STPM. Please bless all thirteen of us.. Guide us to the road of glory. and help us to keep humble and firmly believe in our God..

I have something undone with them. The tradition of each year of my class. Confession n Forgiveness. I hope I can do that for my Realis before STPM so we can vanish every negative feeling towards each other in the class.. 

I think its enaf for now.. Bless me Jesus. =)   amen. 


Thursday 11 October 2012

Deactivate My FB acct

Helo blog.. Its been a few months I left you without any news.. Well, just now I have deactivate my fb acct.. Lots of things had happened currently.. I can't say much things rite now cuz I'm using mobile phone.. I'l update everything about my current news first thing in the morning.. GTG.. =,=